Top 10 Ideas for Self-Care.

Ideas for Self-Care - Soulight Psychology

Are you in need of some good self-care? 

If you’ve ever found yourself in a bit of a rut, or just feel that you could up your self-care game, be sure to read to the end where we explore 10 great ideas for self-care.

First recognised by the World Health Organisation in 1983 (1), self-care…

“describes the role of individuals in preventing disease, managing their mental and physical health, and actively participating in their health care.” 

WHO would have thought they’d be so clinical? Dad jokes are great. Please don’t judge me. 

It would seem that the term “self-care” is the act of caring for ourselves (Woah no way!) in a holistic manner. 

Of course given the focus of Soulight’s work being on the nature of the Soul in the human experience, what isn’t clearly mentioned in the previous definition is the aspect of our spiritual health which could be argued to be as equally important as the other areas of our experience. 

A new definition for self-care might look like…

“The proactive engagement of meeting one’s entire needs and nourishing the self to ensure sufficient well-being and contentment”. 

Self Care - Soulight Psychology

The impact of poor self-care.

In my professional experience, the impact of poor self-care can and often does lead to clinically disastrous states of affair. 

Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addiction, anger issues… the list goes on. 

If we don’t do self-care sufficiently, the impact on our functioning can be catastrophic. 

As we continue to spin the many plates of life and neglect our needs, mental breakdowns and existential crisis can become the byproduct. 

Unfortunately though, with all of the growing distractions and diversions of the busy world, self-care can often get neglected, particularly when times get tough. 

So, with that being said, here are 10 ideas to ensure you stay on top of self-nourishment and sustain your well-being.

Nutrition - Soulight Psychology

10 ideas for good self-care. 

  1. Schedule self-care like a to-do item.
    Creating a weekly schedule with set time allocated for “me time” can make all of the difference.
    James Clear’s book Atomic Habits (2), is a great book that can help you to build some great habits.

  2. Set phone reminders for self-care.
    Whether it’s a reminder to eat a nourishing meal, call your friend, or go for a walk, the more reminders you have towards a preferred action, the better.

  3. Stay regularly connected to friends and family.
    Social connection has been shown over and over again to be scientifically necessary for operant functioning. So go on, give your mum a call.

  4. Maintain healthy boundaries with toxic people.
    Ensure you keep away from people that drain you, take from you and don’t give back or are just outright bad for your well-being. You deserve better.

  5. Create a “Self-Care Toolkit”.
    I’ve suggested this to a number of my clients. Actually spending some time sitting down and thinking about some of your preferred self-care strategies and plans.
    As they say in neuroscience - “where the intention goes, the energy flows”.

  6. Connect with some “accountabilabuddies”.
    Yes, this is a Simpsons reference.
    But for real, get in touch with some close friends, a therapist, a mentor, community groups and make agreements to help keep one another accountable for good self-care.

  7. Ensure you get outdoors enough each week.
    Nature reminds us of the stillness that resides within the depths of our fundamental self.
    Too often I experience clients disconnected from this great earth which helps bring us back to our true nature of being.

  8. Exercise and nutrition are key.
    A must for ideal self-care. Aim to do some form of exercise at least 2-3 times per week and do at least one bulk cook per week to ensure nourishing food is accessible. I’m sure UberEats will do just fine without you.

  9. Know where your safe people and places are.
    A really crucial one. Sit down and have a think about who “your people” and “you places” are that help you to decompress, debrief and take that breath out.

  10. Get creative and have fun.
    Self-care sometimes calls for us to embrace the inner child or creative spirit within.
    Don’t be afraid to get playful or adventurous with your self-care.
    Maybe it’s time to give mountain biking a go?

Brainy Dose did a great video on self-care that I also highly recommend checking out.

The link can be found below: (3)

Thanks for reading dear soul!

I hope this has helped you to reflect on the importance of self-care and spark some thought around how you can up your self-love game. 

Now go listen to your favourite song and have a boogie. 

Bonus & Additional Materials. 

(1) World Health Organisation (2016). Self-care interventions for health - 

(2) James Clear (2018). Atomic Habits - 

(3) BRAINY DOSE (2020). 13 Steps To Self Care - Tips For A Better You - 


Psychotherapist. Content Creator. Free Thinker.

How to Achieve “Flow State”.